Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Protein Bars

My rule of thumb.. or eating.. is if I can't pronounce the ingredient list in a product, then I won't be putting it in my mouth. I look at some labels and wonder if there is any actual food in it, or is it all additives and chemicals. I don't like putting foreign/unnatural items in my body.. I don't even like taking Tylenol.

So I pulled a recipe and adapted it a bit to provide you an excellent protein bar with Omega-3's. Perfect for after a work out or as a meal/snack (only because they contain about 200 calories each if you cut your 8x8 in pan into 8- 10 bars.

The main source of protein is from the nuts- which also provide good fat and they usually have low or no GI value, so you don't have to worry about a blood sugar spike. The flax seed is a good source of fiber and the cranberries have antioxidant power. The chia seeds and coconut oil provide extra benefits too!!

Take a look at the first few ingredients of the popular EAS protein bar, and the ingredient list goes on...

[[Whey Protein Isolate, Glycerine, Fractionated Palm & Palm Kernel Oil, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Calcium Caseinate, Milk Protein Concentrate, Maltitol Syrup]]

Can I get some real food?

This is the recipe I used as a base and then added to it. I didnt add the carob (chocolate) layer on the top or the vanilla extract. I subbed organic honey for her vegetable glycerine and added cranberries and pistachios. Hope you like it!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Funny for your Monday

I'm sure a lot of you feel like this when you are on your way to work.. I know I do!! But the sun is shining, so go forth and make it a great one.. a great week, in fact. Here is some funny for your Monday, enjoy xo

Friday, February 22, 2013

get your weekend on

breathe, just breathe...


I have never had to endure so much stress in my life before.. this weekend I will just be trying to keep it together. I hope you can enjoy this beautiful weekend.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

steal or splurge

I was at Nordstrom the other day and I  fell in love with some of the beautiful bracelets they were featuring in their cases. That being said I immediately went home and started online shopping for similar styles. Because between you and me, I love Kate Spade, but I couldn't afford a whole arm party of their pretty baubles.

Here are a few designer accessories and some less expensive versions. Either choice will make a perfect addition to you look... So are you the type to splurge or save on these fun pieces?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fun with your Girls

After the other week, I was finally able to start thinking a little positively... A little. My friends and family have been here for me and keeping me busy. Which is such a blessing!!

I started my new job with my company and I have a good feeling that it was a smart change. I have always been a little geek-y and I tend to gravitate to the analytical roles so moving into an operations position was a logical step. I'll post pictures of my first day of work outfits tomorrow. I finally can wear cute outfits and no nylons, unless I want too.

I brainstormed a few fun ideas of things to do with your girlfriends. Aside from the usual "going out to dinner" and "happy hour" I thought it would be good to branch off into other activities, cause lets face it.. Girls don't want to gain weight with dessert and cocktails every night. I hope the list inspires you to have a great Girls Night Out.. or In!! Enjoy xo

1. Plan a girls movie night and have all the usual munches that girls love. I think M&M's, popcorn, dark chocolate bark, and gummy worms are always a hit. Some of my favorite movies are Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, Bridesmaids and He's Just Not that Into You.

2. Sign up for a fun dance class, yoga or Zumba..depending on what your friends like to do for fun. It might be nice to try something out of your comfort zone and see what else you might be into. I'm told that when you're single, it's all about self discovery.

3. Have a pedicure/ manicure day at a fun nail salon. It is all the rage right now, and haven't you been interested in trying a fun nail design or shellac? Plus, a lot of salons in my area have wine or cocktails that they serve with your appointment.

5. Maybe you have been interested in going wine tasting. Invite a few friends and make a day of it. When you are at the winery, ask if they will give you a tour of the grounds and give you a little educational background on the types of wine they sell. BONUS: Then when you shop for wine for your next Girls Night In- you have more knowledge on the brands or favors that you like.

6. Have a Girls Night In. Bake some cupcakes during the day and invite your friends over for a decorating party. pick out some sparkling wines, buy some fun toppings and yummy frosting. You can have candles and good music then have a chill night at home. Not too many girls can say no to something sweet!

7. Even though it is the most cliche out of the bunch, a girls night out for drinks and dancing is always a good idea. Invite everyone over to your place before hand for appetizers and drinks, then pick a fancy place to go out to. Since you won't be spending money on food, I think you can splurge when it comes to your choices. And everyone had a good excuse to get dolled up.

Monday, February 11, 2013

im sorry

I was asked last week why I write this blog…

I used to love to scrapbook, but since no one prints photos anymore, I too changed my craft. I started this as a New Years Resolution, but I wanted it to document me. To show my life, my thoughts, my goals- somewhere.. and if anyone was interested they could read along with me. I also want to help people, and make their life easier. I wanted to share my yummy recipes, to inspire them to work out and be healthy, and to help them plan their weekend. I can’t turn off this desire to help people, but right now I have to help myself.

I’m sorry I can’t makeup my mind sometimes, and it annoys you when I ask too many questions. We don’t see eye to eye on chores or goals or sleep schedules.. but I know your heart and your dreams and the lines on your face, that form when you smile- better than anyone else in the world. We were partners and walked on this road we call life for so long, I keep looking back hoping you’ll grab my hand when I least expect it. But I don’t think you will. You’ve told me you won’t.. you’ve told me you don’t want to.

Do you know what it’s like to loose a part of yourself? Oh, you do.. your appendix- but I was there for you. I was there for you for every ailment, and I never discredited you, no matter how small it was. I just took care of you. I don’t even believe that you think my hip hurts all the time. And I don’t know which hurts more. It’s not like pain could impact your happiness or mood.

I cant stop listening to Ho Hey.. but everyone says listen to something else instead.. Stop thinking about it, you? You mean, stop breathing? I can’t do that right now because I have to keep swimming. The tides coming in and the current is strong but I have to keep pushing, because quitting is wrong. I feel like I’m screaming for help and I’m thankful to everyone who is by my side.. but I’m screaming for you. I’m so scared about my life changes- and I don’t have the same support as before.. will I make it? I just want my life back, my everything back.

I’m usually quiet but I know how to listen.. but I didn’t hear you asking for help or telling me there was something wrong.. you just hid behind your work. I feel left out.. I feel embarrassed.. I feel alone. I guess I should have known when I was not invited to anything to do with your start up. I didn’t even get to see your remodel of the box.. even though I asked and asked.. why did you want to keep me away? I was your biggest cheerleader..

I just feel cheated. But I guess I can see your struggle. All your friends are getting married or having kids, and you haven’t even found yourself yet. "You better hurry up, life’s passing you by" is what you think… so you did. Even though it was bad timing for me, it was good for you I guess. I can tell after re-reading this that I might be ready for that role.. but you’re not. You’re too involved with yourself.. and that’s ok.. I hope you find what you’re looking for.

"I am thinking it's a sign
That the freckles in our eyes
Are mirror images and when we kiss
They're perfectly aligned"----
I’m sorry I didn't fit your puzzle piece.
I’m going to be taking this week off from my blog.. I just don’t have the resources or the drive right now. I hope you have a great week. And Happy Valentines Day to those of you that celebrate <3

Friday, February 8, 2013

get your weekend on

This weekend seems like the start to the weekend festivals. In Japantown this Saturday is going to be the Beer Walk. The downtown area is so quaint with new exciting shops and restaurants popping up all the time. And I can personally tell you that when there is an event happening in Japantown there is always some good food. hope you can swing by. enjoy your weekend!! xo

Thursday, February 7, 2013

think outside the bag

I understand that it's hard to find snacks that are healthy and that taste good too. And those 100 calorie snack packs just don't cut it.. I mean they're all cookies and crackers and no one wants the extra sugar and carbs when your watching what you eat.  In an attempt to help your cravings I have compiled a list of some of my favorite 100 calorie snacks for your on the go lifestyle. Hopefully, some you already include in your diet and some that will be a nice addition. Enjoy xo

2/3 oz of Dark Chocolate (I like this brand)

2 cups of red bell pepper (great replacement when you're craving potato chips)

1/2 cup of edamame 

1 medium apple (don't forget the nutrients are in the skin)

2 1/2 cups of watermelon

1 medium sized celery stick with 1 TBSP almond butter

Any tall skinny latte from Starbucks (plus 10 grams of protein)

2 TBSP hummus with 11 baby carrots

2 fruit leather bars 

15 raspberries (I like to chill them, then they're like Popsicle bites) 

1 cup sliced strawberries with 3 TBSP Cool Whip Free (I also like this chilled for a guilt free dessert) 

2 TBSP guacamole and 5 blue corn tortilla chips

14 almonds

1 cup mango

3 cups of air popped popcorn (my favorite, best bang for your buck) 

8 Shrimp with 4 TBSP cocktail sauce

1 1/4 oz of turkey jerky 

1/2 of an entire cantaloupe 

2 egg whites on toasted wheat toast

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fighting the Flu

With the flu virus popping up everywhere, you can never be too careful. Try to wash your hands or use sanitizer often, and pop a couple extra vitamin c pills. Keep in mind these handy tips to staying well during the coming months. Stay healthy :) 

1)  Eat Up


Fresh or ground cayenne pepper may help ease the symptoms of the flu and cold. Capsaicin, the chemical compound that makes peppers hot, may help improve circulation, delivering nutrients and vitamins to infected cells. The heat from capsaicin may also help relieve congestion in your chest and nasal cavities.


Ginger contains antiviral compounds that may help destroy flu and cold-causing viruses. This food may also help boost your immune system, supporting the production of natural antibacterial and antiviral compounds.


Foods rich in zinc may help boost your immune system and reduce the symptoms of colds and flu according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Zinc, beans, chickpeas, seafood, red meats, eggs and soybeans are abundant sources of zinc. 


Garlic contains chemical compounds that offer powerful antibiotic and antiviral properties. These compounds may improve your body's ability to destroy cold and flu viruses . Garlic may also improve circulation, helping your circulatory system deliver vital nutrients, oxygen and hydration to your body's cells.

2) Drink some Tea


The leaves of the eucalyptus plant, an herb native to Australia, may help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Aboriginal tribes used teas made from eucalyptus leaves to treat fever. Eucalyptus also contains a chemical compound, called eucalyptol, that may help loosen phlegm and relieve chest congestion and may also help destroy the influenza virus. 


Peppermint is a common ingredient in over the counter cough remedies and decongestants. This herb contains menthol, which may help relieve congestion and help with your coughs. The oil in peppermint leaves may also have antiviral benefits, helping to prevent the spread of viruses that cause colds and flu. 


Mate is an herb that was used by native Indians of South America as a preventative for scurvy. Mate tea contains vitamin C, which can enhance immune system function, helping your body ward off viruses. The only thing to watch is the caffeine because it might interfere with your sleep, drink it in the early part of the day if you know you're effected. 

3) Take your Vitamins 
You've probably heard that vitamin C helps you get over a cold faster, it's because of effective antioxidants that protect our bodies from free radicals. Vitamin C serves as an effective antihistamine that will lessen the symptoms of the common cold, including inflammation, stuffy nose and aches. But it's even more effective if you also get enough vitamin E.  E makes white blood cells more efficient at fighting off infection. You need 65 to 75 mg of vitamin C daily, but if you feel a cold coming on, get up to 1,000 mg 

4) Get a Rub Down
Getting a Massage increases your storage of natural killer cells — the immune system's front line of defense. Massage also lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which destroys immune cells. It’s not good for the human body to continuously be exposed to stress hormones, because this can lead to other diseases such as depression, anxiety, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep disorders. Wow, I never knew massages had such healing power...

5. Stuff your face with bac­te­ria. 
Yeah, sounds gross but it’s not. Eat your bac­te­ria by con­sum­ing fer­mented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauer­kraut, kim chi, non-GMO natto or miso, or take pro­bi­otic cap­sules. Pop­u­lat­ing your gut with healthy bac­te­ria will help keep you healthy and ward off path­o­genic bac­te­ria and yeast. 

sources 1 2 3 4 5 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week Of Health

Does it sound like a symphony of sneezes from cubicles around your office? Are you tired of feeling like a lab rat on a wheel, when exercising at the gym? Are you afraid to shake hands with someone, at the risk that they didn't wash theirs? Are you bored of eating the same Greek yogurt everyday, but fearful of picking something unhealthy instead? Do you find yourself "OCDing" on Lysol and hand sanitizer? If you answered yes, or thought about answering yes, to any of these questions, then it might be time for a health pick me up!! And just in time for flu season.

This week on the blog it’s all about getting you healthy and in shape for the upcoming seasons. I’ll share with you my tips for keeping your immune system in check, some new routines for working out your stems and recipes that you’re sure to love. So sit back, relax and tune in everyday for a new feature that is sure to keep you at your peak of healthiness… just trying to make it easy and effortless for you.
Enjoy, ciao xo
picture sources 1, 2, 3, 4

Saturday, February 2, 2013



I wanted to share with you two fun recipes for tomorrow's big game. I have a mild obsession with planning parties and I love a good theme. Football is so easy to plan around and I  have a few go-to party rules.
1) lots of snacks that are easy to grab (think popcorn, sweet potato chips, or sliced veggies)
2) get some protein in there (I like turkey sliders, chicken sausages, or bbq wings)
3) a little something sweet- I like to bring in the theme of the party when it comes to treats. Some ideas are football shaped cookies, Stadium Cakes, or helmet shaped rice crispe treats
Enjoy, GO NINERS!!

Niner’s Clam Chowder Bites
½ pound bacon
5 potatoes
2 carrots
13 oz chopped clams with juice
2 packets dry leek soup mix
1 quart half n half
13.3 oz roll of refrigerated french bread loaf (Simply Pillsbury is best)

1. Preheat oven to three hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Spray
ten muffin cups with non stick cooking spray. Unroll package of french
bread loaf & slice into ten equal size slices, about one inch thick.
Press each slice into about a three inch round. Press into the bottom
& up sides of the muffin cup; set aside prepped pan aside.

2. Place the bacon in a large pot and cook over medium-high heat,
stirring occasionally, until crisped and browned, about 10 minutes.
Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon, leaving the drippings in the
pot. Set the bacon aside. Stir the potatoes and carrots into the bacon
fat. Season with salt and pepper, and cook for 5 minutes, stirring

3. Pour the juice from the clams into the pot, and add enough water to
just cover the potatoes. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to
medium-low, cover, and simmer until the potatoes are just tender, 10
to 15 minutes.

4. Gently stir the leek soup mix into the potatoes until no lumps of
soup remain. Stir in the clams, reserved bacon, and half-and-half
cream. Cook and stir until the chowder returns to a simmer and
thickens, about 10 minutes more.

5. With a medium cookie scoop, scoop soup into each of the centers of
bread bowls. Bake for 15-17 minutes. Serve and Enjoy!

My recipe is a hybrid between this one and this one

Raven’s Crab Cakes
1 (8-oz.) package fresh lump crabmeat, drained
3 whole grain white bread slices
1/3 cup light mayonnaise
3 green onions, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
Vegetable cooking spray
Salt to taste

1. Pick crabmeat, removing any bits of shell. Pulse bread slices in a
blender or food processor 5 times or until finely crumbled. (Yield
should be about 1 1/2 cups.)

2. Stir together mayonnaise and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl.
Gently stir in breadcrumbs and crabmeat. Shape mixture into 16
(2-inch) cakes (about 2 Tbsp. each).

3. Cook cakes, in batches, on a hot, large griddle or nonstick skillet
coated with cooking spray over medium-low heat 4 minutes on each side
or until golden brown. Season with salt to taste. (Keep cakes warm in
a 200° oven for up to 30 minutes.)

recipe from here

Friday, February 1, 2013

get your weekend on

Lets get ready to ruuuummmmmble!!!!
It's Brother against Brother this weekend for the big game.. OF COURSE I'm rooting for the Niners...
But the big questions are...{{ duh, dun, duhh}}

Which Harbaugh are you hoping wins the Superbowl?
What company is going to showcase THE commercial of the Game?
And is Destiny's Child going to have a reunion at the half time show?

These are some important issues, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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