Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pound Cake [[Honey + Lemon + Greek Yogurt]]

Last night I had the urge to bake a cake. With some vanilla yogurt I had in the fridge, I found this recipe and thought I would give it a go. I made mine in a loaf pan instead of individual servings. So add another 10-15 minutes to your bake time. Just for fun, I thought I would ribbon some blackberry preserves through the top. I think lemon and blackberry pair really well together because of the sweet and tart flavors. Good thing my co-workers always try my concoctions. I'm not sure if they are being supportive or if they just love food... Either way, I don't have a cake staring at me for the remainder of the week and I get my baking fix. 
win // win!!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are amazing! You must be a photographer!! Keep up the good work, it's fun!!!


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