Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dinner Predicament?

Problem solved!!

This is a really healthy recipe that you can make quickly and be confident in the ingredients that you are consuming. Because sometimes those T.V. dinners can be a little questionable.
I picked up a package of fresh salmon from Trader Joes (it already was seasoned with Cajun spices, so part of my job was already done for me). If you don't like your dishes too spicy- there are a variety of other flavored fillets.

Salmon is a very heart healthy fish. It contains EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Which are both rich in Omega 3 fats plus it has lots of vitamin D and selenium. Salmon also contains bioactive peptides which provide protection for joint cartilage, support with insulin effectiveness, and control of inflammation in the digestive tract. Salmon also contains nutrients that support eye, cardio,hair,skin, and cognitive functions.
Just remember, if you are trying to loose weight- Salmon does contain high fat levels. Limiting your portion to 4 oz still allows you to reap all the nutritional benefits without consuming too much fat.

I decided to bake my Salmon instead of grilling it (read why, here) and its so easy to throw some vegetables on the pan as well and cook everything together.  So I grabbed some broccoli, zucchini, cutie oranges, lemon, and black pepper. I mixed the veggies and cuties and squeezed lemon juice with pepper all over it and tossed. Then arranged the fish and vegetables on the baking pan. I set the oven at 400 degrees and baked everything for about 15 minutes.

Then when I pulled it out, this is what it looked like.

&& it tasted like this
If you can see in the above picture there is a tray of tomatoes sitting above my fish dish. All I did was cut a Roma tomato in half and douse it in balsamic vinegar. Then I threw that under the broiler and let it hang out for 10 minutes. They taste so sweet and tart and are a great little appetizer for the evening.

So embrace Tuesday, and instead of going out to eat or making a T.V. dinner- try making this dish at home and impress your friends, significant other or next door neighbor with your fine culinary skills. ;)


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