Wednesday, January 23, 2013

W. O. W.

Lately, I can't stop thinking of things for home. The domestic side has totally taken over and I find myself stuck on the Pottery Barn site for hours... These are a few of the things I'm currently after.

5. Cole Floor Lamp $199 6. Bird Feeder $30 7. Le Creuset large Oven $200 and Small $220  
8. Ecosphere $58


  1. Those pillows are so fun! I love the hand mixer too. I have a kitchen aid, which I love, but sometimes it would be nice to just whip out the small hand-held one and get busy with ease. Thanks for sharing these great finds!

  2. Replies
    1. By the way, I´m following you on Bloglovin too! Thank you, dear!!

  3. Your whole collection is great, but for some reason the ecosphere has stolen my heart. I am thinking it would be a great gift for a friend who got a new job, or a cousin who graduated high school. Or for myself for my window sill...

  4. great picks! love that board!

    i hope you love my blog…it’s based in nyc –

    x Vittoria


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